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Seminar for the athletes of the Hellenic Athletics Federation, aged 15- 18

Monday, 20/12/2021

On Saturday 18 December an educational seminar for the athletes of the Hellenic Athletics Federation, aged 15- 18, was successfully held.

At this age , the educational process is very important and one of the main goals of the Agency is to inform in depth the aspiring champions about the dangers of doping and the right Anti-Doping procedures.

The topics of the seminar were: introduction to sports values, the effects of doping on health and on society in general,  the historical background in the fight against doping worldwide,  athletes' rights and responsibilities, Testing process, basic principles of Anti-Doping and the role of whistleblowers in the Anti-Doping procedures.

All the talks of the seminar speakers were suited according to  the age group of the athletes so that they could be fully understood.

In his opening speech HADA' s Governor, Dr Grigoris Leon, stated the following: "In the last few months our country has made a great effort to comply with the WADA' s Code.It is very important for us the fact that the first educational procedure for young athletes starts with you, the track and field athletes, as thousand of young people in Greece are involved in " Classic Sports" .

Seminars for other athletes of this age group will be organised shortly in collaboration with other federations too.