Selection. The athletes can be tested any time, any place.
Notification. A Doping Control Officer (DCO) or a Chaperone will notify the athlete that they have been selected for testing and will inform them about their rights and responsibilities.
Reporting to the Doping Control Station(DCS). The athlete should report immediately to the Doping Control Station for testing unless they request a delay for permitted reason only.
Providing a sample. The athlete should be given sample collection equipment which must be sealed. Then they should provide their sample under the DCO’s constant supervision. The athlete might also be asked to provide urine sample which should be a minimum of 90 ml urine. Then the DCO will ask the athlete to split the sample between two bottles(A and B) and seal them. The DCO will check the sample’s concentration (Specific Gravity) to make sure it is within range.
Filling Doping Control Form. The athlete has the right to add any information or comment they consider necessary, regarding the sample collection process, in the Doping Control Form. Also, the athlete should verify the validity of the personal details including the code number of the sample. Finally, the athlete should take a copy of the Doping Control Form.