The primary goal of HADA (EOKAN in Greek) is to create a healthy, doping- free sporting environment which will enable athletes to compete on equal terms.
For this purpose, it plans and conducts reliable doping control tests, random and targeted, In and Out of Competition in every sport.
The organization is also responsible for the proper training of the Doping Control Officers, for the integrity of the procedure and for the results management.
Regarding prevention, HADA with the collaboration of the sports federations develops educational programs and launches information campaigns about the health risks associated with the use of illegal substances and also about the negative consequences of “fair play” violation.
In addition, HADA collaborates with any equivalent institution and public authorities for combatting Doping. Also, it represents Greece in the committees of the European Council, in WADA and in equivalent international bodies.
More specifically, the aims and objectives of EOKAN are defined in articles 1 and 3 of the Presidential Decree No 87 which can be found under the section "legislation" in our site.