Sports make our lives more beautiful and interesting. Both team and individual sports create unique feelings and offer us really special moments. They provide an escape from ordinary life and create positive role models for young people, keeping them away from bad habits.
Unfortunately, as is often the case in all areas of life, Sports (either at an amateur or at a professional level) have some serious dysfunctions, one of which is doping.
The aim of the newly formed HADA (National Anti-Doping Organisation) is mainly to combat this serious phenomenon in sports through strict, systematic and reliable doping control. However, punishment or repressive measures are not our only aim.
We would like to take action in the field of prevention. But prevention can be achieved if there is proper information.
So, with properly informed athletes, coaches and journalists we can accomplish our goals. We want the athletes, who are the stars of the sports, on our side and not against us. We want them supporters of our effort and not opponents.
We believe that information and education is the key to the future and since young people are the future, we create educational programs which aim to the general public and to schools all over the country, including every student, teacher or parents.
HADA is eager to collaborate with all the Sports Associations and especially with WADA which offers expertise and defines all the rules and regulations concerning doping worldwide. Our vision is a world of sports "clean" from substances, where every athlete or team will have equal chances to succeed.
And may the best person win!
Grigoris Leon
Governor of the National Anti Doping Organisation