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Press Releases - Announcements

Wednesday, 03/11/2021

On Wednesday 3rd of November, an online educational seminar was held for coaches of RTP athletes of HADA, for…

Thursday, 21/10/2021

Michael Cepic, CEO of the National Anti-Doping Agency of Austria (NADA Austria), had a two-day visit to Athens on…

Thursday, 14/10/2021

The National Anti-Doping Organisation will now have significant involvement in the courses of the Sports Coaching…

Friday, 01/10/2021

On Thursday 30 of September HADA held the first online educational seminar for the athletes who return in action,…

Friday, 24/09/2021

The Governor of EOKAN Dr Grigoris Leon has had a series of contacts and meetings with the Presidents of the Hellenic…