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Memorandum of Understanding between HADA and NADA Austria

Thursday, 21/10/2021

Michael Cepic, CEO of the National Anti-Doping Agency of Austria (NADA Austria), had a two-day visit to Athens on Wednesday and Thursday (October 20th and 21st). 

Mr Cepic is also Chairman of the Central European Anti-Doping Agency (CEADO), which counts eight members and is recognized by WADA. 

During his visit, he was guided to the new headquarters of E.O.KA.N. (HADA). He also made a detailed presentation, regarding how NADA Austria is organized and how it operates. He also explained, among other things, the testing procedure, the results management, and also the educational standards for the athletes and supporting personnel.

On behalf of HADA, the executive team, informed Mr Cepic about the progress that was made by the brand new Greek Organisation, during a very short term of working towards the full compliance with the WADA Code.

NADA Austria and HADA, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a Project plan, to develop an anti-doping program, in full compliance with the international code.

During his visit to Athens, Mr. Cepic, accompanied by the Governor of HADA, Dr. Grigoris Leon, the Executive Director George Rodinos and the Head of Education Department Panagiotis Panoutsos-Talkowski, were given a tour of the Athens Olympic Museum, at Marousi area.

 "It was a unique opportunity to exchange views on doping and anti-doping procedures, with an Organization that is one of the pioneers at a European level. Our cooperation with Mr. Cepic, but also with the whole team of Austria, will continue at all levels ", said the Governor of HADA Dr. Grigoris Leon.

"Our goal is cooperation. To transmit to the Hellenic Organization, with all our know-how, knowledge and experience. The Memorandum of Understanding between the two sides is a first step to the right direction. "I am sure that we will have a constructive communication with HADA", said Mr. Cepic.