The first educational video on sample collection process is on the internet.
When and how can an athlete be selected for doping control? What are the criteria? For what reasons can the doping control be delayed? What happens in the case of a minor athlete? In which cases should the process be repeated? What if the first sample is found positive for a prohibited substance?
These questions and many others about the sample collection process, according to the WADA Code, are answered in the first educational 2d animation video that is already on the internet.
This video has been produced by the National Anti-Doping Agency and lasts about six minutes. It explains the whole sample collection process in detail, from the moment an athlete is selected for testing until the analysis of the second sample.
The link through which you can watch the video on the official channel of EOKAN on YouTube is:
“It is the first and, in my opinion, a successful attempt of EOKAN to produce multimedia material which is necessary to make the educational process more attractive and interesting, whether it concerns professional athletes or young ones who are preparing to become the future champions in their sports, or other social groups who come in contact with anti doping procedures for the first time. At the moment only the leading National Anti-Doping Organisations, such as the USA, Great Britain and others of similar status have created original educational material and for this reason, we are vey pleased to achieve such an important goal in this field”, stressed the Governor of EOKAN, Dr Grigoris Leon after the publication of the first educational video on YouTube.