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Greece withdraws its candidacy for the WADA World Conference on Doping in Sport in 2025

Tuesday, 17/05/2022

In a letter to the Board of Directors of WADA and to the Ad hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency, the Governor of EOKAN/HADA, Dr Grigoris Leon announced the decision of the Organisation to withdraw the candidacy for hosting the WADA World Conference on Doping in 2025.

At the 57th meeting of the Ad hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA), which took place from May 9 to 11 in Strasbourg, Greece announced its candidacy to host the leading conference of the World Anti-Doping Organisation by making the first presentation of the candidacy.

With an informal vote - a referendum of preference that followed, the members of the conference gave 21 votes in Tampere, 14 in Athens and 2 in Busan. Following this result, the Ad hoc European Committee decided to ask the members to fully support Finland's candidacy.

Consequently, EOKAN/HADA decided to withdraw its interest although the candidacy of Athens had received many positive comments from those present at the meeting and also from members of WADA and despite the comparative advantages of the Greek capital over Tampere ( bigger city, better infrastructure).

Therefore, there will be no presentation of the candidacy on Thursday, May 19, as originally announced. EOKAN/HADA and its Governor Dr Grigoris Leon will support the candidacy of Finland and wish good luck in Tampere.

Following is Dr Leon 's letter to the Board of Directors of WADA and the Ad hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency:

«Dear Secretariat,

As you are aware, we had declared our interest to organize the 2025 World Conference on Doping in Sport in Athens, Greece. During the 57th meeting of the Ad Hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA), an informal vote was held among the CAHAMA participants and Tampere, Finland was selected as the preferred candidate city. Thus, CAHAMA mandated the European representatives to WADA Foundation Board to support Tampere.

Embracing the principles and values of the European Union and the Council of Europe, as well as our country’s values being the birthplace of Democracy and the Olympic Ideal, we wish the European partner candidate city of Tampere, every success and we withdraw our interest to host the Conference.  

Kind Regards,

Dr Grigorios Leon
Governor of E.O.KA.N./HADA»