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Governor's first meeting with accredited journalists

Friday, 05/11/2021

On Friday 5 November the governor of EOKAN/HADA, Dr Grigoris Leon had his first meeting with the sports journalists who cover doping issues.

After a brief presentation of the foundation and the function of the new Anti-Doping Organisation, Dr Leon stressed the following:
«In a period of two months we have achieved to correct almost 100 matters of importance that had been indicated by WADA in order to be in compliance with WADA's Code. 

As regards legislation two important amendments have been voted in a very short period of time with the support of the Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports, Lefteris Avgenakis. Additionally, among other actions, we have created an intelligence and investigation department which monitors and records any suspicious or unusual activity of trainers or athletes, while we have devoted time and effort to the proper function of the doping control department. Also, we have reformed the department of education by organising necessary seminars for the athletes and the coaches. In the immediate future our goal is to create a comprehensive program of education and information approved by the Ministry of Education and the Institute of Educational Policy, which will be part of the school curriculum and especially of secondary education. 

At the same time, we have moved on to a collaboration with the Anti-Doping Agency of Austria. We came to this decision after taking into consideration certain criteria, such as the similarities we have with this country in the field of sports, as well as the fact that Austria presides in the Anti-Doping Organisation of Central Europe.

So, we could say that what we have achieved so far is actually a miracle. For the time being we are in the WADA's compliance watch list until January with counties like Holland, Spain and Portugal, but I assume that we will get out sooner as we are a fully compliant organisation. The only issue which is still pending is the voting of EOKAN's rule of procedure, something that will be done promptly».

In response to relevant questions, Dr Leon mentioned:

-«From now on, for any issue that concerns our organisation we have created and are still creating " best practice" policies. That means procedure protocols which will be implemented and followed for any issue. The same procedure will be followed as for the way we are going to handle results that may be found positive. There will be a standard treatment for every case and not an individual one».

-«The Doping controls that should have been done in compliance with the WADA’s Code have already been completed. In October, 95 controls were done in 13 different sports. Half of them took place In Competition and the other half Out of Competition. In the following days the doping controls will increase. It is also important to mention that the Out of Competition testing is being done more accurately now. At the same time, we are organising blood tests and the so-called " biological" passport of the athletes and also the controls for the growth hormones. So, I consider that in the beginning of the new year we will be completely ready». 

-«The intelligence and investigation office is capable of collaborating with all the competent authorities and it follows "best practice policies».

-«EOKAN is now an independent organisation and not just a committee of the General Secretariat of Sports as it happened in the past. So, all the reforms we have done are in effect not only for a year but in the long term. Every year we submit lists of athletes for testing and a program of doping controls which are monitored by WADA».

-«Regarding the Anti-Doping lab of Athens i would like to point out that it operates independently from EOKAN. However, having a powerful national organisation and a reliable lab at an international level will be very important. So, EOKAN will be there to support this national case when needed».

-«The financial resources of EOKAN are approximately 1,5 million euros annually. We have already received the first part of the subsidy and we have covered the operating costs, as well as the payment to the Doping Control officers not only of the new organisation (EOKAN) but also of ESKAN which were pending».