As part of the close collaboration with the sports federations
in Greece, a meeting was held between the Governor of EOKAN/HADA Dr Grigoris Leon with members of the Hellenic Tae kwon do Federation.
The president of the federation Michalis Fysentzidis and the secretary general and ex-president Nikos Thomaidis were guided in EOKAN's premises and then there was an in depth discussion regarding the closer cooperation between the two parties.
Dr Leon referred to the work of EOKAN and to the future actions of the organization which aim to promote doping controls and education.
Mr Fysentzidis and Mr Thomaidis, representing a sport such as Tae kwon do with significant distinctions at the international level, showed particular interest in the training of the national sports teams on anti-doping procedures, but also in infoming young people who do this sport about the health risks because of the use of prohibited substances.
The two parties agreed to have further collaboration, as both believe and want to promote the ideal of clean sports.