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Meetings with the Hellenic Rowing Federation and the Hellenic Judo Federation

Friday, 21/01/2022
Συναντήσεις με την Ελληνική Κωπηλατική Ομοσπονδία και την Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Τζούντο

The close collaboration with the sports federations regarding doping controls and training is among the main priorities of EOKAN, especially when it comes to sports which have offered significant international distinctions at the highest level to their country.

In this context, there were meetings between the EOKAN’s Governor, Dr Grigoris Leon and the heads of the Hellenic Rowing Federation of Nautical Sports Clubs and the Hellenic Judo Federation.

At first, Dr Leon gave a tour of the new offices of EOKAN to the president of the Rowing Federation, Ioannis Vrabas who was accompanied by the Secretary General of the Federation, Ioannis Karas.

Both parties had a very interesting discussion exchanging views about doping, anti doping procedures and about the training of athletes, coaches and doctors, since Ioannis Vrabas is also a professor of ergophysiology  at the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of Serres of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, while Ioannis Karas was president of the Federation and is now a member of the board of directors of EOKAN.

The second meeting was with Dimitris Michailidis, president of the Hellenic Judo Federation. The Governor of EOKAN informed him about the work and the actions the organization has taken in the last few months. There was an agreement on the issues of doping controls and training and also an agreement between both parties for close collaboration in all areas.