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Meetings with Sports Federations

Thursday, 16/12/2021
Συναντήσεις με Αθλητικές Ομοσπονδίες

The Governor of EOKAN/ HADA Dr Grigoris Leon had two important meetings with the presidents of two sports federations in order to inform them about anti doping issues and also about the new administrative structure and operation of the organisation.

First, he welcomed the president of the Greek Federation of Body Building and Fitness, Mr Stelios Kliafas and the vice president Mr Thanos Koukakis.

The next meeting was with the president of the Hellenic Table Tennis Federation, Mr Konstantinos Papageorgiou.

The executives of the two federations were extensively informed about the tasks and policies of the organisation, on the occasion of the new awareness campaign for the public regarding doping issues, which is already on the internet with the support of OPAP.

Also, they agreed on a closer collaboration in the near future in terms of prevention, controls and also participation in the educational and training programs of EOKAN for the athletes, which aim to inform them about doping issues and Anti-Doping procedures.