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HADA’s Governor Grigoris Leon meets Pyrros Dimas

Tuesday, 16/11/2021
Συνάντηση του Γρηγόρη Λέων με τον Πύρρο Δήμα

On Tuesday 16 November, the governor of HADA(EOKAN) Dr Grigoris Leon welcomed Pyrros Dimas, secretary general of the Hellenic Weightlifting Federation and IWF Board member at the headquarters of the Organisation.

The meeting was held with a view to discussing the collaboration of both parties in anti-Doping issues, such as prevention, controls and education.

“We believe that the collaboration with the sports federations is of great importance. For us it was an honour to welcome the Olympic champion Pyrros Dimas, a man who is a symbol of the Greek Sport and who continues to offer to Weightlifting and the Sport in his country from a different post. We will be on their side helping with their work”, stressed the governor, Dr Leon.

Pyrros Dimas added: “I was fully informed about the new rule of procedure of the Organisation by the governor and I am completely satisfied. Our Federation is always in favour of the education of the athletes and trainers and we are willing to support HADA’s efforts for sports clean of substances“.