HADA's educational seminars for the Greek athletes, who are included in the RTP, started yesterday and will last until the 29th of September.
The educational procedure, which will be on-line, lasts four hours and it is aimed at 220 athletes who are divided into seven groups.
Information on doping issues and on Anti-Doping procedures is a prerequisite of WADA for both HADA and the athletes.
On Monday (20/9) swimming, rowing, and sailing athletes attended the seminar. On Tuesday (21/9) boxing, wrestling, karate and judo athletes will attend the seminar as well, and the rest of the athletes will follow shortly.
The topics of the seminar, which is coordinated by Panagiotis Panoutsos Talkowski (head of education for HADA), are: sports values, social consequences of doping, consequences on athletes' health, rights and responsibilities based on WADA' s Code, the testing and sampling procedure during the COVID era, ADAMS system and Whereabouts, Therapeutic Use Exemption and the role of whistle-blowers in Anti-Doping.
"The reform of the educational programs, the recruitment of qualified staff, the brand new website (www.eokan.gr), the new logo and the activity at the social media, show the EOKAN/ HADA's new profile and the committment to its primary goals" stated HADA' s Governor, Dr Grigoris Leon.